Sunday 21 February 2021


CHINA says experts from the world health organization are due in the country this week to investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic that's as a fresh outbreak of the virus spreads near the capital Beijing authorities have put several cities under a strict lockdown but dozens more people have tested positive near beijing is a ghost town public transport is shut and martial law has been declared in this city of 11 million residents the lockdown came as a surprise to me we haven't been allowed to go to work for the last few days nor have we been allowed out we had to wait three days to do a second coronavirus test children haven't been allowed to go to school we have to wait to do more tests we don't know what the schools are going to do either fear of another outbreak is gripping china the authorities are trying to implement measures quickly to prevent these local cases from spreading streets are being disinfected more than 20 new infections have been reported per day the millions of people confined to their homes have been told to stay there for at least 10 days and avoid leaving loudspeakers tell residents that health workers will carry out coronavirus tests in their homes residents are allowed to venture out to buy food many have been stocking up on basics like rice and eggs coronavirus tests have been carried out on mass this week special labs have been set up too Chinese state television reports say infection numbers are expected to drop president xi jinping has declared a

people's war against the virus and even celebrated victory against it in September by honoring those who fought to bring an end to the covet 19 pandemic this marks another feat in the history of humanity's struggle against the virus but the war isn't over yet around 50 million people are expected to be vaccinated by the start of the Chinese new year celebrations in mid-february this year the government

has warned people not to travel during a holiday that normally sees millions take trips to visit family

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